Simple Healthy Low-Calorie Snack Ideas

When the afternoon hunger hits, the last thing you probably want to do is consume more empty calories. Trying to lose weight often requires a careful selection of snacks that won’t derail your diet.


Luckily, there are numerous delicious and nutritious options available for snacking during the afternoon slump. These snack options, including popcorn, celery, peanut butter, hummus and veggies, homemade trail mix, and rice cakes, offer a satisfying midday bite without packing on extra calories.


By meal-prepping these healthy snacks, you can easily maintain a healthy diet while also satisfying your hunger. Satisfy your hunger and keep your body nourished with healthy snacking.


Enjoy snacking while staying healthy with these low-calorie options. A wise snacking tip is to always consider the calories and serving sizes of your chosen snacks.




Opt for a cast-iron skillet when making low-calorie snacks to avoid adding unnecessary calories. Once each kernel has popped, take out as many unpopped kernels as possible and pour them into a bowl covered with foil. Sprinkle some nutritional yeast over the top before serving because of its flavor!


Celery And Peanut Butter


Peanut butter can pack more calories than expected. It contains more fat than other nut butter and has high sugar content. You can have better control over calories by opting for unsweetened peanut butter and regulating the sugar levels yourself. You can enjoy a delicious and healthy snack by pairing peanut butter with celery, without worrying about added sugars. You can obtain vitamin C, potassium, and phosphorus from celery. Sodium intake should be monitored when selecting peanut butter, as some brands may contain up to six times more salt than others.


Hummus And Veggies


Try hummus and veggies if you’re looking for a light snack or dinner side. Made mainly from fiber and protein-rich chickpeas, hummus is an excellent snack alternative. Experiment with different veggie combinations to enjoy with your protein-packed hummus, like cooling cucumber, vibrant carrot, satisfying celery, or nutrient-rich broccoli.


Boost the satiety factor of your snack by incorporating protein with hard-boiled egg whites or chicken breast chunks. Want to add some excitement to your hummus snack? Jalapeno peppers or cayenne powder can add some serious flavor to your hummus snack.


Homemade Trail Mix


Don’t sacrifice taste for low-calorie options – homemade trail mix is both flavorful and nutritious. Upgrade your snack game with a tasty and nutritious option like homemade trail mix made with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.


Making your trail mix provides the advantage of selecting which ingredients to include and how much of each to add. For a truly indulgent snack experience, consider tossing in some delicious dark chocolate chips into your trail mix.


Take your trail mix game to the next level by incorporating some luxurious dark chocolate chips or melted 70% cocoa or higher dark chocolate into the mix. Want to make your trail mix even more satisfying? Try adding unsalted and unsweetened dried coconut or raisins.




Take a chance on these snack ideas and discover something new for your well-being and the environment. We’re curious to know your opinions if you give these snack ideas a try.


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