The Top 3 Study Backed Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Several studies show black seed oil benefits. The rising demand for this wellness product is attributed to the growing interest among consumers. Here are some studies that show black seed oil benefits.


Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure and Cholesterol


Numerous scientific inquiries have investigated the advantageous effects of black seed oil in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol. The relevance of these insights is immense to heart health, given that blood pressure and cholesterol are crucial risk factors for heart conditions. A study on 90 obese females and another on 70 individuals with type 2 diabetes were conducted as part of the research. A duration of 8 to 12 weeks was followed for both groups, during which 2 to 3 grams of black seed oil was administered. For both groups, it was found that bad cholesterol and total cholesterol levels increased substantially.


A separate study was conducted on 90 individuals with elevated cholesterol levels. The group was administered 2 teaspoons or around 10 grams of black seed oil after breakfast for a time frame of 6 weeks. The study findings indicated that they experienced a reduction in levels of harmful cholesterol by the end of the study. Black seed oil can also substantially lower blood pressure – this has direct health on heart health.


The study protocol required administering a daily dose of 2.5 ml or half a teaspoon of black seed oil twice daily to 70 healthy individuals for 8 weeks. The placebo group showed higher blood pressure compared to the experimental group after this period. The early data suggests potential benefits, but additional studies are required to determine the ideal dosage for achieving improved blood pressure and cholesterol.


High in Antioxidants


The black seed oil has a high level of antioxidants. These are agents that defend the cells in your body from the harmful impacts of unstable molecules referred to as free radicals. Antioxidants have important positive health effects. According to research, they can bring down inflammation and thus reduce the risk of heart disease as well as other chronic diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s.


The black seed oil has particularly abundant amounts of a powerful antioxidant called thymoquinone. This substance is recognized for its capacity to combat inflammation. Hence, research has indicated that this compound can protect against various chronic diseases and help improve brain health.


Can Reduce Blood Sugar Levels


The impact of blood sugar levels on cardiovascular well-being is undeniable. Elevated glucose levels can heighten the likelihood of stroke, eye, and kidney ailments.


Research involving people with type 2 diabetes found that the regular ingestion of 2 grams of crushed black seeds can contribute to reduced fasting blood sugar levels. Black seed oil was also found to reduce blood sugar levels.


Bottom Line


Preliminary studies that show black seed oil benefits appear encouraging. Further investigation is necessary to verify its positive impact.


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